Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal:
Laser hair removal is becoming more widely affordable and is taking an ever more important role in hair removal treatment.
In fact, the both techniques of laser and intense pulsed light hair removal are less painful than electrolysis, and unlike the latter, laser hair removal can treat large areas such as the chest, back, and legs.
The word LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, which means light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
The operation of laser hair removal is based on the destruction of the hair’s pigment (melanin). Laser or intense pulsed light hair removal are especially effective on dark hair and hair in the growth phase, as they produce a lot of melanin. Laser hair removal first destroys hair in the growth phase. Since this represents on average only 15-20% of hair, only about 15 to 20% of hairs are destroyed in a single session. Laser hair removal therefore takes several sessions (on average between 4 and 8) to cover the entire area. These sessions should be spaced 2 to 4 weeks apart on average to get a new contingent of hairs in the growth phase.
Laser hair removal should be used with caution on darker skin because it contains a lot of melanin. There is a risk of destruction of the melanin in the skin which creates potentially irreversible white spots.
Why should laser hair removal be performed by a doctor?
The handling of medical lasers in France and Tunisia must be performed by a medical doctor trained in this type of treatment. This modality is not without risks such as burns, and therefore should only be carried out by a trained operator. In addition, it is important not to miss diagnosing when a hormonal condition is causing hair growth, and only a doctor can assess that sort of condition.